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Digital Humanities Workshop

Digital Humanities: New Field of Knowledge or "New wine into old wineskins" : Introduction to the Digital Humanities, research tips, tools & resources, and DH at the University of Kansas (USA) by Brian Rosenblum

Join us for an informative webinar with Brian Rosenblum, where we will explore the field of digital humanities, as well as research tips, tools, resources, and the role of digital humanities in the University of Kansas (USA).

🗓 When: June 6, 2024, 16:00 - 17:30 Kyiv time (Ukraine)
💻 Where: ZOOM -
- Meeting ID: 898 1390 3305
- Access code: 4CrPDF
🗣 Language: English
📋 Registration is not required

The Center for Scientometrics together with the Department of History of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy invite you to this interesting event on digital humanities, which will be held by Brian Rosenblum:
- Co-founder and Director of the Institute for Digital Humanities Research at the University of Kansas (USA).
- Librarian who manages various digital initiatives and publishing services.
Topics to be covered:
- Introduction to digital humanities.
- Research tips, tools, and resources
- Historical projects
- Question and answer session

We look forward to your participation!


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