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     Choosing a high-referenced document     

As the documents citation level depends on scientific field, and on the fact that older documents get cited more, procedure of choosing a highly referenced document takes this into account. The first step is to count the number of documents quoted at different levels of citation, and to create the delineation for each scientific field and each year. These delineations for each scientific field and for each year are used to determine the limits of selection of a certain part of documents.

     Criteria for success     

The citation levels that are characteristic for some particular scientific field and year are used for all documents in the magazine and are intended for the selection of high-cited documents. The citation threshold is determined on the basis of the citation distribution by selecting a specified part of the documents for each year and the scientific field. The threshold is determined by the content in the column "All years" in the table of key percentages.

     Hight-referenced documents (Essential Science Indicators)     

Typically, a document citation reaches the highest point in the second, third, or fourth year after publication, but some documents continue to be cited for many years. Recognition of some documents takes place much later than their publication. The document citation level depends on the document type, scientific field and topic. For example, documents about discovery may start to be cited early and often, but then the citation rate will decrease as other articles on the same topic appear. Citation of documents, that describe methods and techniques increases gradually over several years, while methods are distributed in the field of their use and justify their purpose.

     Included magazines     

The number of citations is determined on the basis of collections of journals in 22 scientific areas. Scientific areas are determined by the unique grouping of journals, with each journal referring exclusively to one scientific field. The interdisciplinary sciences can include such journals as "Science and Nature", which are put in the classification as articles, and shall be located in the relevant scientific fields. This should be kept in mind during the analysis to provide data to individual scientists, organizations, countries, territories, for the purpose of ranking.

      Period of time required to determine the number of citations     

The time period for the calculation is 10 years, plus the current year is taken into account (these data are updated every two to four months). This means that any documents for the period of 10+ years can be cited in any element during the same period of time. Citation from all sources starting from the year of publication and up to the current time are taken into account. Years with no data (actual years when elements were uploaded into the database - not always consistent with the year of publication) are used to define time limits.

     Types of included elements     

All materials are divided into general scientific articles, review articles, conference materials, and research materials. Letters to the editor, correction messages and annotations are not counted. Only articles, magazines, and other materials indexed in Thomson Reuters are taken into account.


Fake conferences: important signs

  •    International "scientific" extramural conferences
  •    An e-mail invitation to participate in a conference if you or your colleagues have never heard of this organization
  •    The conference is organized by a commercial organization, not a specific scientific institution, association, society
  •    The topic of the conference is way too general, such as "World problems of science and technology"
  •    Conference does not have a website, there is no information about its organizing committee, procedures for selection of reports (including reviewing)
  •    The payment is not for the registration fee, but for the next publication

National University of Kyiv-Mohyla academy


Center for Digital Research & Scholarship at NaUKMA recommends the following useful materials


  Videoguide through resources of Сlarivate Analytics for scientific research

   Author Search and ResearcherID – basic training

   Web of Science platform: basic Search functions

   How to work with Bibliographies in EndNote Online

   Working with patent information for researchers in Derwent Innovation Index

  A Guide to Scientometrics: Indicators for the Development of Science and Technology: a Monograph

  Evaluation of the publishing activity of a scientist and an institution according to the data of Web of Science


    List of professional scientific ukraininan publicationswhere you can submit your results of dissertational work (PhD) (according to Ministry of Education in Ukraine's order from 11/07/2017 #996)

    Ukrainian Journals in Scopus and Web of Science

   "NaUKMA's report": recomendations concerning improvement of publishing policy of ukrainian scientific journals

   Where should I register my journal: scientometric databases, catalogs, repositories, harvesters

  Chukanova Svitlana - Digital Humanities

   Tykhonkova Iryna, Yaroshenko Tetiana: "How to get published in a high-quality journal: a guide"

  "Open Science, Open Data, Open Source"

     Training programs     

  Borysova Tetiana, Yaroshenko Tetyana: "Research Data Management:Syllabus"


National University of Kyiv-Mohyla academy


Dear researchers,

Publicizing and disseminating the results of your research is an important stage, since you can publish these results only once. It is important to select the magazine that will maximize your goal of disseminating the results, finding a scientific collaboration for future projects or grants, and increasing your scientific credibility.

It is also important to choose a conference that has the same goals.

Unfortunately, nowadays, attention to science and technology is increasing not only among universities, grantees, the government, but also by the number of fake (or "predatory") magazines, conferences, internships offers, etc.

How to recognize them?

First, seek advice from CSDRS and (or) the Scientific Library. We will check it for you!

Secondly, note these tips:

Fake magazines: important signs

  •    The journal simultaneously publishes articles from VARIOUS scientific subjects, which are not connected either thematically or methodologically with each other
  •    The title of the magazine is too general (World Journal of Science)
  •    Information about journal policies is missing (including review policies)
  •    The mailing address of the editor is not specified on the magazine's website (or it is wrong, check by geolocation!), Affiliation to the scientific institution (university, research institute or company that issues it, electronic address in the contacts of the editor or members of the editorial board on distributed mail servers (gmail .com etc.) does not specify the affiliation of the members of the editorial board
  •    The title of the magazine does not reflect the subject matter of the articles it contains (for example, the European (Mediterranean, World) Journal of Social Sciences publishes articles on mathematics and physics
  •   The title of the magazine does not correspond to geography (for example, the Journal of European Journal of Scientific Research with the editorial board in Pakistan and articles mainly by authors from China)
  •   The published materials do not specify the affiliation and contact details of the authors, there are no open source annotations, keywords, etc
  •   The website or its printed version contains false information that the magazine is indexed in the Web of Science and (or) Scopus databases. It's easy to check!
  •   Other features of quasi-scientific databases are listed, such as: ISSN, Google Scholar, ULRICH, etc. that are not actually scientific
  •   On the contrary: the journal does not have an ISSN, which is mandatory
  •   The journal asks you to send articles at the same time as reviews on them
  •   The claimed publication period does not exceed 2-3 weeks (it is impossible to conduct a qualitive review in these terms)
  •   The magazine asks to pay immediately for a publication or to publish an article without a queue
  •   The magazine asks for a very small publication fee: "Predatory publishing". Fraudsters create a fake magazine site, which uses design, images, policy information, editorial staff, which are similar or identical to the real magazine. 
  •   The publisher or magazine itself on the site or through spam mailing actively encourages researchers to become members of the editorial board
  •            Predatory publishing: The site of the fake magazine, which uses design, images, policy information, editorial board, which are similar or identical to the real magazine. Creators of such a site offer very promptly, even for small money to publish an article, then disappear

National University of Kyiv-Mohyla academy


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