On ensuring representation of scientific and pedagogical employees of NaUKMA in the Google Scholar database
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- Created: Wednesday, 24 January 2018 13:23
- Hits: 900
Decree dated by 01/23/2018 on creating a profile in GS (in the Google Scholar database) for each staff member of NaUKMA
Among the indicators (criteria) for evaluating scientific and pedagogical staff is the h-index, or the Hirsch index (Hirsch) - an indicator of the influence of a scientist, a team of scientists, and even a research institution, based on the number of publications and their quotes.
In Scopus scientometric database, h-index is automatically calculated for anyone who has at least one publication in journals indexed by this database.
This data is available through a free search of authors.
In the Google Scholar database, each scientist can create his own account, add his/her own publications to the database, while the service automatically and immediately counts the h-index of the scientist. You can find the open profiles of scientists with their h-indexes in Google Scholar using the search service.
The Google Scholar profile allows authors to follow bibliographic links to their own articles. There is an opportunity to view timetables and other scientometric indicators. You can view who quotes publications, create your own library of bibliographic references, and export bibliographic description of articles.
In addition, the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine conducts the base "Bibliometrics of Ukrainian Science", which allows you to find profiles of researchers, as well as h-index for the entire institution.
If each teacher of your department do not have a profile at least in Google Scholar, the overall NaUKMA's index is low and at the same time is not representative. Currently, this database contains data on 104 NaUKMA employees, which is only 19.6% of the institution.
What was said above resulted in the appearance of an order dated by January 23, 2018 on the obligation to create a profile in GS for each staff member of NaUKMA, in particular:
- Deans of the Faculties and Heads of Science and Technology centers in NaUKMA have to oblige scientific employees of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy up to 01 March 2018 to create or update their account/profile in Google Scholar database, with affiliation on NaUKMA ("National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy").
- NaUKMA Scientific library (contact person - Library head's assistant Borysova T.O., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) to provide individual counseling of scientific and pedagogical workers to work with the Google Scholar service, and conducting appropriate group trainings for each department of the university.
In addition, on the agenda of the Academic Council on January 25, it is planned to consider the issue of recommending the indication of double affiliation (including NaUKMA) for external staff members.
Hope you understand the importance of the appeal and the appearance of such an order.
The original order can be found here.