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Test Access to Wiley journals

Wiley Online Library features 1,600 journals, over 21,000 online books, and hundreds of multi-volume reference works, databases, and other resources.

Wiley Online Library features 1,600 journals, over 21,000 online books, and hundreds of multi-volume reference works, databases, and other resources.

Please note! Test access materials have green sign “Full Access”. Test access resources include journals in fields of biology, ecology, medicine, chemistry, physics, psychology, sociology, politology, law, economics. Also platform allows usage of “Open Access” and “Free Access” materials.

Access to Wiley Online Library starts on February, 1 2020 and works until April, 30. To access platform, please enter Wiley Online Library Opens external link in new window in NaUKMA local network (on campus). 


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