Webinars about resources of the Web of Science platform for scientists

Created: Wednesday, 15 November 2017 12:40
Hits: 973

Webinars about resources of the Web of Science platform for scientists

Do not miss three free webinars since November 28th (at 16:15)

Duration - 1 hour.
Certificates are not provided.

Pre-registration is required for each training. You can choose one Training or visit all three. In 10 minutes before the start, visit the link that you will receive in the letter after registration. The XP operating system is not supported - please use computer with another operating system, and make sure that you have speakers or have the ability to play the sound. You can organize a collective Screening in your local library.

November 28, at 16:15
Subject: Search and analysis of scientific literature in the Web of Science.
Abstracts: Basic and advanced search capabilities. Combining filters and tags, searching for pirate literature and similar records. Evaluation of the selected sample, reports on citation, saving of results. Additional platforms on the platform.
Register here

November 29, at 16:15
Subject: Selection and analysis of scientific publications for publishing your research.
Abstracts: How to choose a publication for publication? What is the impact factor, quartile, and other indicators in Journal Citation Reports? How much is the publication worth? Can I publish in the international edition for free? How to draw up a list of literature? Who creates predatory publications as not to be their victim. How to check where I was invited to be published?
Register here

November 30, at 16:15
Topic: ResearcherID and EndNote for generating journals with publishing reports.
Abstracts: Difficulties in finding and analyzing the achievements of a scientist. ResearcherID and ORCID author profiles, why they should be up to date, showing colleagues and how to fill them up without problems. Play metadata and how to create a report on the publications of your department.

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