International Conference "Scientific Communication in the Digital Age" was held

Created: Monday, 02 April 2018 07:25
Hits: 915

The 6th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Scientific Communication in the Digital Age" was held on March, 29-39 in NaUKMA.

The 6th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Scientific Communication in the Digital Age" was held on March, 29-39 in NaUKMA.



The conference participants discussed the following issues:



(photo: Presentation by the Director of the NaUKMA Scientific Library, Tetyana Chornaya, with the report "Digital Technologies and the Library-Museum-Archive: How the Visual Space (World Experience) Develops")

The reports included, in particular, the following:

"Modern Challenges of Science" - Tetyana Yaroshenko, Vice-President for Science and Information, National University of "Kevo-Mohyla Academy", candidate. is Sciences;

"The Singularity of Digital Science in Ukraine: Challenges and Opportunities" - Olena Chmir, Head of the Department of the State Scientific Institution "Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information", Dr. Econ. Sciences, professor;

"Evaluation of the relevance of innovation priorities in Ukraine on the basis of Web-of-science bibliometric tools" - Tetyana Kvasha, Head of the Department of the State Scientific Institution "Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information".



The conference was attended by representatives of scientific institutions, editorial boards of scientific journals, libraries and publishing houses, specialists in electronic information services.


For more information, visit the conference website